Celebrating the past, present and future of New Jersey Punk Rock
Old News
November 26, 2007 - ALL GROWN UP WORLD PREMIERE!!!
Well it's finally that time - All Grown Up the Movie is being released on DVD! If you haven't heard about it already, you can check
out the trailer on the "About Me" section of this profile, or go to the official website @ http://www.allgrownupthemovie.com!
The premiere
will be at the Clairidge Theater on Bloomfield Ave. in Montclair, NJ - this Saturday, December 1st, at 4PM!! There will be an after-party
around the corner at the Meatlocker on Park St. with US Chaos, the Blame, Dead Heros, & the Flash Attacks. Come party hardy with all
of us - woohoo!!
December 2, 2007 - The ALL GROWN UP premiere and after show rocked yesterday. It was truly an event. Great turnout for both. Everybody I spoke to loved the movie.
The after show at Meatlocker was just flat out amazing. Every band just gave it their all. Pictures will be coming as well as a song or two from the U.S. Chaos set. The energy level was amazing. Dead Heros, The Blame, and The Flash Attacks all performed powerful sets. This was really an event. It's so rare to see shows were the bands are just pumped and going full auto with the audience responding with the same energy.
Some other news, DYSFUNCTIONAL YOUTH will not be playing with A.P.P.L.E. at the Meatlocker on January 12th as planned. DY is banned from the Meatlocker due to events that transpired at the Halloween show.
Copyright 2007 - Everything on this site is owned by those who have contributed.
He's been playing punk rock since before you were born.
December 12, 2007 - Great show at the Clash Bar by Damned cover band, Machine Gun Ettiquette, featuring Sable Sex and the Black Angels.
For Ottorino's pictures from the ALL GROWN UP after party, check out this link at the
Don't forget to check out the NJPUNKONLINE
Added some shows to the
calendar. Everybody has access to this so feel free to add your play dates or radio shows.
December 23, 2007 - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hope everybody had a chance to see ALL GROWN UP. My DVD review is coming soon!
January 17, 2008 - Check out my review of the ALL GROWN UP after party over at DISTORTED!
January 4, 2008 - Farewell to Jonny from
the Pinheads! In the short time that Jonny has been in NJ he has done a lot of positive things. From promoting the Meatlocker and
helping it evolve into what it is today, to dressing up as Burger King at the Halloween show, Jonny will long be remembered. Jonny,
you'll always be an honorary NJ Punk wherever you go!